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What is the family or business that you are associated with (we need this information to link your questionnaire with others from your group)
Who is your coach?
I'm not sure
Ashley Burdon
Brett Robinson
Chris Coughlan
Dani Darke
John Redpath
Matthew Pickering
Rob Hewitt
Sarah Barr
Scott Neeley
What I am most proud of....
And why I am most proud of this/these things....
My definition of success is….
The four things I live for or can’t live without are….
Live for ... or can't live without
Live for ... or can't live without
Live for ... or can't live without
Live for ... or can't live without
Others tell me my strengths are ….
What can hold me back if I let it….
What I want for my family going forward…..
What my ideal career/business pathway looks like going forward……
The legacy I want to create is….
What I don’t know about, or what I want to understand about the Family Business is….
My definition of family unity is…
Ideas I have for what happens to the family businesses are….
Challenges that I see the family need to deal with are….
Opportunities that I see are available to the family are ….
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.