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Values Discovery
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Who is your coach?
I'm not sure
Ashley Burdon
Brett Robinson
Chris Coughlan
Dani Darke
John Redpath
Matthew Pickering
Rob Hewitt
Sarah Barr
Scott Neeley
Section One
I like activities like river rafting because you never know what's really around the bend.
I'd really love to pack up and take a month-long trip to Europe (or any place abroad), and even leave next week.
If I had to choose between two ways of getting something done - the exciting, unpredictable and possibly longer way, and the most efficient, way I'd tend to take the more exciting way.
Sure, I could use a plan or a map - but what fun is that, really?
There is nothing more important to me personally than being part of an adventure.
Section Two
There is probably art in everything, but only certain things are worth looking at.
I tend to make whatever I touch more aesthetically pleasing.
Nature is the source of beauty.
If it's not beautiful, I probably won't like it.
It is most important to me to see or experience the beauty of things, life, etc.
Section Three
After people meet, see or speak with me, they tend to get ‘into action’ about something.
I like being the spark that gets people going again.
It turns me on when I see people turned on because of something I’ve said or done.
I tend to let people know how they can get the job done more easily and more productively.
There is nothing more important to me personally than being a catalyst or lever for change or movement.
Section Four
I have a desire for a world that is peaceful & where people are open & honest with each other.
I place considerable stock on social wellbeing, equality and freedom, tolerance and wisdom.
Protecting and caring for the natural environment is important.
I support and trust and care for others when things get tough.
There is nothing more important to me personally than taking care of our wider community.
Section Five
When someone asks me for directions, I usually take them a part of the way or draw a map so I am certain they won’t get lost.
I tend to put other people’s needs and concerns ahead of or equal to my own.
If I couldn't assist people or make some definite and powerful contribution, I'd begin to question what life was all about.
I get upset when I see people not being served or assisted when they easily could be.
There is nothing more important to me than contributing or serving people or humanity.
Section Six
The act of inventing or making up new things, ideas, art, form or function is very appealing and energising to me.
I like to make things.
I get no personal reward from just watching or repeating someone else’s ideas; they have to come from or be measurably customised by me.
I don’t get bored; I find something creative to do or get involved with.
There is nothing more important to me personally than creating something that didn’t really exist before I got involved.
Section Seven
I would have really liked to have been a Christopher Columbus-type person, discovering something that had not been discovered before.
I like finding the wrinkle in just about anything.
I love finding out new things about me and others.
Once I've found 'it', I go looking for another 'it'.
There is nothing more important to me personally than discovering new things or new ways with things.
Section Eight
I have a strong connection with something physical, mental or spiritual.
I am committed to live my life to what I believe in.
I get tremendous pleasure & strength from meditating, praying, or being with what I believe in
My faith keeps me grounded and provides guidance to how I choose to live my life.
There is nothing more important to me personally than being in constant touch with and aligned to my faith.
Section Nine
I get a tremendous high from living for my spouse, children and other family members.
I combine all the energy, talent, desire, vision and determination I can muster to ensure my family is safe.
It’s vital my children learn about how to treat others and take responsibility.
There is nothing more important to me than communicating so our messages and feelings are understood, and our differences are respected.
I enjoy identifying what we want, making decisions and planning ahead as a family.
Section Ten
It's important to me to express my feelings, even when it gets in the way of things.
I am grateful that I can really experience the full range of emotions.
I am glad that I can cry.
I am able to laugh a lot.
There is nothing more important to me personally than experiencing my feelings and emotions.
Section Eleven
I’m on top of the world when being animate, energetic and spontaneous.
Colourful experiences and anecdotes are necessary to help us feel more alive.
Life is boring if we are not having fun.
I get a tremendous high from variety and enjoying what I do.
There is nothing more important to me personally than having fun.
Section Twelve
It’s important that someone step forward and take charge.
I tend to like to “rally the troops”, to get people moving forward together.
I like to be called on to lead a team of people.
When I lead, I don’t put up with anything from anybody.
There is nothing more important to me personally than leading people.
Section Thirteen
Life's tests refine me and genuine friendships sustain me.
Being unaffected, being authentic, having integrity, and facing problems squarely help me as I reach out and make a difference to do the right thing.
I am motivated as I become a better person and I’m more than happy to learn from my mistakes.
My ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside myself will affect me.
There is nothing more important to me than actually doing the one thing in my life right now that makes a difference to my personal and professional relationships.
Section Fourteen
I feel compelled to be the best that I can be.
I tend to be the most able and qualified person I know of in my area or field – and I feel good about that
I'd strongly prefer to be a master of a trade than a 'jack of all trades'.
I would be fully willing to be completely ignorant in several important areas if it meant that I could be a master of one.
Nothing is more important to me personally than to be master or the master of my trade.
Section Fifteen
A strong and consistent theme throughout my life has been my quest of personal and physical pleasure.
I can never ‘feel good’ enough.
Without a lot of pleasure, what’s the use of living?
If it feels good, I do it.
There is nothing more important to me personally in life than experiencing as many forms of pleasure as possible.
Section Sixteen
I get high from being included in other's lives or plans.
If the phone doesn’t ring or I don’t get letters from friends, I tend to wind down or get depressed.
We are so lucky that there are 6 billion people on this planet! (More people to love!).
The bond between two people is the greatest gift to us.
There is nothing more important to me personally than to be very connected with people.
Section Seventeen
I will shop at a store with higher prices but with clerks who are really nice and helpful.
It is better to be polite than to get what you really want in a situation.
I am upset when people are not polite or nice to me on the phone or in person.
I am so sensitive that I can’t be around people who are upset, needy or loud. I protect my 'space'.
There is nothing more important to me personally than being sensitive and/or nice, or being around those who are.
Section Eighteen
I enjoy passing on information and ideas to the next generation.
When I teach others, I get tremendous satisfaction.
It almost doesn’t matter what the subject matter is, I just love to teach.
I get pleasure from teaching even to a class of one.
There is nothing more important to me personally than to teach.
Section Nineteen
I enjoy working closely with others.
It’s a pleasure to be achieving things with people.
I feel personally rewarded when I work with cooperative and tolerant individuals.
There is nothing more important to me than maintaining close relationships.
I thoroughly enjoy working collaboratively with people.
Section Twenty
I tend to justify the means to get to an end I really want.
Many people are just born to lose.
I compete well, with a group or against myself.
I get a tremendous high from pulling something off or winning.
There is nothing more important to me personally than winning at something.
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